Comments on: PRESS RELEASE: Otago University Bioethics Director must resign following discriminatory paper on Down syndrome Advocating for people with Down syndrome Wed, 08 Mar 2017 00:59:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jerzy Kaltenberg Wed, 09 Jul 2014 11:22:00 +0000 Susie, selectively terminating a pregnancy isn’t genocide ( the extinction of a genus). The Downs aren’t a separate race, ethnicity or nationality – they are simply disadvantaged members of our species. Just as we seek to avoid crippling injuries in life, we may seek to avoid giving birth to crippled children. Particularly when the disability is of a permanent intellectual nature.

I know that having a perpetual baby appeals to some, but it is a preventable pathology, such as foetal alcohol syndrome or crack babies.

By: Jerzy Kaltenberg Wed, 09 Jul 2014 11:12:00 +0000 not a question of duty for society. This is about parents being able to make an informed reproductive choice. Doubtless many parents of kids with Downs syndrome love their kids. Likely most of them do. Some though surely wish they never had them. I don’t know about you, but it seems pretty clear to me that people should have the choice and to make an important choice such as keeping or aborting, testing is necessary . Arguing against testing, or considering realistic assessment of its impact as ‘offensive’ is simply missing the point & potentially doing injustice to concerned and honest professionals. This is almost as silly as the anti-vaccination hysteria which is bringing about the resurgence of polio.

By: Tazchic Sun, 22 Jun 2014 09:32:00 +0000 I think what I find most disturbing is the question not being answered. Where do we draw the line? Right now through prenatal screening you may be able to pick up only DS or a few other birth defects, but what happens as science and technology develop? What then? Will ASD be screened? What about other diseases and defects?? As a society where are we willing to draw the line? This is the scary truth about this paper. Science and people like Prof Jones will continue to pioneer this type of screening and before you know it, depression, bi-polar, ASD and other mental health issues may be found and “dealt” with. That’s what I find incredibly disturbing and it’s not the type of society I wish to live in.

By: Antoinette Van Hoeven Thu, 27 Feb 2014 15:15:00 +0000 Peter, that is an assumptive notion of biggetry. EVERY person who walks this earth will grow old and eventually need help, INCLUDING YOU. This “fact” has Zero to do with Down Syndrome. What are you proposing? Individuals with Down Syndrome are not entitled to grow old and need assistance but “Individuals without Down Syndrome” are? As a community we must all join hands and stand up for the rights of ALL children and individuals, including those born with an extra chromosome.

By: Saving Downs rejects Otago University’s discriminatory paper - ProLife NZ Wed, 10 Jul 2013 14:52:13 +0000 […] Downs has called for the resignation of Otago University’s Director of Bioethics following the publishing last week of a highly offensive and discriminatory paper about prenatal […]

By: Mike Tue, 23 Apr 2013 07:18:33 +0000 That’s a great succinct summary thanks Mary-Beth.

By: Mary-Beth Santora Montgomery Mon, 22 Apr 2013 22:52:00 +0000 I think your first sentence is where some people here have a disconnect with your opinion. Most people who have a family member with down syndrome do not see any unnecessary suffering; in fact quite the opposite. My son has been my greatest teacher. He has made me more patient and accepting of differences. He has to work harder at some things but that just inspires me. The people with down syndrome that I know are not miserable. And down syndrome will always exist. Abortions just prevent them from being born.

By: Mary-Beth Santora Montgomery Mon, 22 Apr 2013 22:44:00 +0000 But people do have the choice. This paper is upsetting because it calls for ‘post birth abortion’ That is not bacteria, that is murder. I can’t get my head around that.

By: Mike Fri, 19 Apr 2013 08:26:41 +0000 Or you could present a rational argument in response to our rebuttal of the Jones/Cole paper rather than resorting to personal attacks.

By: Jerzy Kaltenberg Fri, 19 Apr 2013 08:13:00 +0000 Are you sure you’re not having issues with reading comprehension, Susy? Candles are a technology. Prenatal tests also. You would rather curse the dark rather than light a candle.
